Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-06-25

  • today has been mostly trying to get my middle child to tidy up and do laundry, this afternoon there will be knitting and cake as a reward #
  • Anyone know if any stallholders at Woolfest will have copies of The Knitter mag? @TheKnitterMag #
  • the middle child has shared his cold germs and I now have a scratchy throat and runny nose, I will NOT be sick for Woolfest!!! #
  • Banana and choc chip loaf baking, have made pretty little ones for the cafe today, pics later, and I have a pretty new cake stand :o) #
  • Mini banana and choc chip loaves this afternoon, pop in for a cuppa and see whats happening. #
  • Banana and choc chip mini loaves here today. #
  • Think I may know where my missing dress pattern is, just need a boy to climb into the loft for me #ineedanewdress #
  • luckily wasn't busy today,drank a gallon of tea had some Reiki from my mum while at work, have now bought a cough bottle and am going to bed #
  • Oh,oh look who sneaked onto the blocking! #
  • I'm now really sick and I don't have time to be sick, tea and back to bed till the meds start working, send soup and lemsips #
  • thought I would cast on a shawl while lying on the sofa but my fuzzy head can't even understand the cast on, blah! #needtoknitsleevesnow #
  • to the child that ate all the tortilla chips, thanks! #
  • I'm changing my opening hours so won't be open tomorrow morning, will be open Tuesday afternoon as usual, see you then #
  • Short Rows #
  • Don't mess with more than 2million people who have pointy sticks, you p'd them off USOC…. #
  • Good job I don't take this advice or I would never get any sewing done! #
  • Faith shoes giveaway every Friday #debenhams #faithfriday @Debenhams #
  • am off to Woolfest and am beyond excited even although its raining and I don't have wellies, I do have handknit socks though 🙂 #
  • #woolfest on the bus with some very excited kilmarnock knitters 🙂 #
  • Am home, suitably exhausted, there is of course no beer in the house :o( #
  • A kitty hug, a very rare and special thing #
  • Both pets acting weird, think they have abandonment issues! #
  • Beautiful sunny morning here, washing out, sewing to do, photos to take, spinning wheel to look out and knitting bee this afternoon #
  • Tomorrow I will be doing a spinning demo at the café, open from 12.30. #
  • house 2 doors down is getting new roof tiles, its verra noisy! #

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