Its all pink

This scarf and fingerless mitts I just finished for my oldest niece, its actually for her birthday, which was about 2 months ago. I did buy part of her gift then had no idea what else to buy her. It is really hard to choose gifts for people when you live very far away, but also who you have no contact with anymore. I have seen her once in the four years we have lived here, so I really don’t know her anymore.

Jake did ask me if the mitts were for him because I am in the habit of knitting pink things for him. Eh not!! He does want a pair the same so I will have to see what I can do. Not likely to be this week as I am feeling a little snowed under already and its only Monday. Marie, who I got all the fabric from is an artist and she is having a little exhibition type thing at her house and she asked me if I would take over some of my stuff to sell, it is of course this week so have to get my butt in gear and do some more work. I did come home today and make 6 pairs of earrings but I have to do a whole lot more.

One of my friends commented that I was being “nice” when she read my blog, I think she meant that my normal sarcasm wasn’t quite making it into what I was writing. Other than that she meant I wasn’t bitching and moaning like when I talk to her on the phone!!

So now I am going to moan, nah not today, I do have a few moans to make but can’t be bothered today am too tired and a bit brain-dead, french lessons get me like that, can’t think straight afterwards.
I know I promised sock pictures but the feet the socks belong on were not home in daylight hours for a photo and the indoor flash ones are rubbish. So maybe tomorrow or wednesday. Tomorrow is knitting bee day, so if you are Grenoble we will be in the Cafe Leyritz see ya then, and I will try to remember the camera.

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